Taking R&R When You Are Deployed

R&R stands for “rest and recuperation” and these visits home when deployed are very exciting for service members and their families. Service members purchase military discounted airline tickets and head home for a brief period. It is important that everyone make the most of this time. When the service member is leaving a war or conflict zone, there are also special considerations.

Most families are thrilled at the thought of being together, which leads to disappointment when plans change. The mission of the unit or needs of the service may override plans for R&R. Unexpected cancellation or delay is not uncommon. Just because the military discount airline ticket lists particular dates of travel does not mean these are set in stone.

Children and the spouse may develop unrealistic expectations regarding the time together. R&R may be characterized by both emotional highs and lows. Happiness about being together may be offset by sadness due to the time being short. Family and friends should give the service member time to decompress, sleep, and adjust to being home. Everyone may experience unexpected emotions, including anxiety, and this is normal.

Friends and children may want to hear about life in a combat zone but the service member may wish to avoid talking about it. There are also things that military personnel may not be permitted to discuss. Others should avoid asking many questions and instead focus on helping the service member unwind after time in combat.

Keeping things peaceful and calm helps the service member readjust. Large gatherings or loud noises may trigger feelings of shock or panic. Children should be given some alone time with the military parent in order to bond. When the trip is pleasant, service members will be eager to purchase the next discounted airline ticket, which they can find by clicking here.

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